Forums - Super Turbo: Why doesn't Vega ever win? Show all 25 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Super Turbo: Why doesn't Vega ever win? ( Posted by vega-x on 03:14:2001 11:55 PM: Vega has always been my ST fave, and apparently plenty of other peoples' as well. He's unfairly fast, does good damage, and the wall dive/super are very tough to counter. So why do I never see any Vega players win tournaments. In the US vs Japan, nobody even picked him!? Posted by S_G_Ami on 03:14:2001 11:56 PM: impotence I am Jack's Psychic DP Posted by The Chef on 04:11:2001 11:57 PM: hey!! Vega is my fave in ST too!!!! I am also puzzled why not many people use him.. The only bad thing I know about him is that his close game sucks.. But I think he is good for keep-away. Like Dhalsim, but MUCH faster!!!! Rehan (Dead Man Inc.) Posted by Dem-Dem on 04:12:2001 12:10 AM: quote: Originally posted by vega-x Vega has always been my ST fave, and apparently plenty of other peoples' as well. He's unfairly fast, does good damage, and the wall dive/super are very tough to counter. So why do I never see any Vega players win tournaments. In the US vs Japan, nobody even picked him!? He is to easy to counter and lose energy fast haven't U noticed Posted by omni on 04:12:2001 12:31 AM: The main reason.... Because there are no good Vega players in America. A lot of people play Vega on a casual basis - hell, even I do, but there are only a handful of people who are willing to take him to that next level. The only really really good Vega players I can think of are Apoc, Julien Beasely, and Sam Kim. Julien doesn't even live in America anymore, Apoc has placed in a lot of ST tourneys and even won some of the World's Finest in LA tourneys back in the day if I'm not mistaken and Sam has placed in top 5 or so with Vega at ECC I think. Despite being really effective - Vega does have some really hard matches - especially with Bison and Balrog which you see a lot of in America. I hope this helps some. Derek Daniels Posted by The Chef on 04:12:2001 02:57 PM: ok, thanks for the reply guys. I haven't really noticed Vega losing life more than the other characters.. But I guess it's hard to tell on ST. I do hate the fact that many of his moves (like low strong) become redundant at close range... I haven't really come across a tough Bison match. Actually, I won my only victory in the ST tourney of `94 with Vega against Bison But the other week, I got seriously beat down by a turtling Guile.. I kept jumping into a deep Flash Kick too often. I think I must have thought it was like Alpha 2 dash (or Alpha 3?) and SERIOUSLY underestimated its priority, lol I think Guile becomes really hard once he starts throwing out those sonic booms. My only chance seems to lie with the Wall dive moves, I think... Rehan (Dead Man Inc.) Posted by Apoc on 04:18:2001 02:00 AM: Sorry CHef...lost your screenname. Just stopped by to say that Guile is easily locked down by 2 moves. Cr.RH and Cr. strong. Just learn to range the roundhouse and when you follow it with the strong it nails everything guile can do...even flashkicks if timed right. The slide is 2 fast for footsies as well so it's pointless for him to whiff anything to try and bait you. You can cr.jab the sonic boom after you see it coming out if you're fast enough. Going off of the wall isn't even necessary here and often stupid. And only use the super. With the super there Guile will be afraid and want to anti-air the super which is where you bring the claw into play to condition them for the super. Easiest way to land the super on Guile is after a trip, then you immediately go off of the back wall and dart diagonally down so that you're just behind him at reversal timing though his sprite can't turn around yet...with this timing you can't be flashkicked whereas usually the flashkick will be a clean counter since it goes all of the way time you'll wanna change trajectory a bit so that you are a little further on the other side cuz this time he'll wanna jab. But that's more for fun and to toy with guile. Really you can just be a dick with low strong and RH and watch as he tries to counter with pokes leaving him swept, or a flashkick leaning him open for whatever. So you then will you take damage if he just sits there? Simple footsies and pokes from throw feints. Vega's walking speed forces guile to move or be thrown eventually...and with Vega the aggressor and with speed you can seriously nail reversal attempts with relative ease. Those 2 moves control the match. The rest is your reflexes and timing. Really one of Vega's easier opponents. Apoc. Posted by chankalok on 04:18:2001 02:08 AM: how about honda vs vega? Posted by Gunter on 04:18:2001 06:29 AM: For everyone's information, I believe Watson considered this Vega (Balrog in this country) player at More to be the best ST player he encountered in Japan. He's there all the time, and almost always gets close to 20 wins with Vega. Vega is GOOD. Posted by The Chef on 04:19:2001 04:16 AM: Hey Apoc, thanks for the advice I did use low strong and low RH a little against that Guile player, but not that much.. My main problem was that I was jumping into his Flash Kick too often. I though I could beat him or trade hits if I jumped right on top of him (like Charlie's Flash Kick in Alpha series), but I was wrong. In ST, it's practically a DP!!! lol I will be more patient next time.. I hope. I haven't really used the wall dive to cross up yet. I better try that stuff. my AOL screen name is RShirwani (says in my profile). Thanks for the character confidence, Gunter. I always believed in him in ST. A3 is a different story, though. My favourite move with Vega (the standing RH) was removed in A3 and replaced with a lame-ass move with no anti-air properites, it seems. For that reason alone, I NEVER touched Vega in A3 :0 I can't really get used to the style of "runaway" V-Vega in A3 anyway. e.g. jump around the screen trying to build meter all the time, then using meter for anti-air. I got thrown to death by a Zangief player last time I played ST. But don't worry, next time I won't even give him a chance to get close, hehehe Rehan (Dead Man Inc.) Posted by chankalok on 04:19:2001 04:24 AM: balrog should be the best vega killer..... Posted by Apoc on 04:19:2001 05:49 AM: quote: Originally posted by The Chef Hey Apoc, thanks for the advice I did use low strong and low RH a little against that Guile player, but not that much.. My main problem was that I was jumping into his Flash Kick too often. I though I could beat him or trade hits if I jumped right on top of him (like Charlie's Flash Kick in Alpha series), but I was wrong. In ST, it's practically a DP!!! lol I will be more patient next time.. I hope. I haven't really used the wall dive to cross up yet. I better try that stuff. my AOL screen name is RShirwani (says in my profile). Thanks for the character confidence, Gunter. I always believed in him in ST. A3 is a different story, though. My favourite move with Vega (the standing RH) was removed in A3 and replaced with a lame-ass move with no anti-air properites, it seems. For that reason alone, I NEVER touched Vega in A3 :0 I can't really get used to the style of "runaway" V-Vega in A3 anyway. e.g. jump around the screen trying to build meter all the time, then using meter for anti-air. I got thrown to death by a Zangief player last time I played ST. But don't worry, next time I won't even give him a chance to get close, hehehe Rehan (Dead Man Inc.) Zangief? Low strong/st.Rh Apoc. Posted by vega-x on 04:19:2001 06:35 AM: Hey apoc, thanks for the useful info. (Finally getting some discussion on this after a month of nothing!!) Chef: Against Guile, you really shouldn't be jumping at all, it's just not necessary. The slides overpower most of his footgames, and c.jabs and c.strongs usually stop Sonic Booms from sweep range. One other nice trick I've used against turtlers is to walk towards them and at just outside sweep range, jump straight up. If they Razor Kick, it should barely miss, and you get a free combo/whatever. Even if they don't Razor, almost everybody will stand up to block high, and thereby lose their down charge. Now you can jump at them or go for a throw. Posted by vega-x on 04:19:2001 06:41 AM: chankalok: That's not really true. Balrog is good vs. everybody, but Vega is one of his toughest matches. Vega's S.Fierce and C.Strong can snuff Dashing Punches pretty well. Of all the fighters, it's got to be Chun-Li that always gives me hell. Vega has no good anti-air against her, and no advantage in walking/jumping speed either. Posted by chankalok on 04:19:2001 11:00 AM: the forward flip is vega best anti-air move! Posted by evil_mastermao on 04:19:2001 02:41 PM: well guys vega is my best charachter! yep he is very good if you know how well to use hes range.also vega is not really a offensif player either turtleling ! u must change your strat depend who the charachter challenger! actually in alpha 3 i have no probleme killing: ryu,ken,akuma,blanka,gen,guy,cody,gief,karin well almost all charachter!! but the harder is: dhalsim,rolento... actually people think that ryu will beat vega easely ,i mean the shoto but that faulse coz i really can win again those team shoto !! i was playing again the best ryu here and all he can do is like giving 2-3 hits that it!! the trick is vega has a long jump! well just stay away from the player about 4 vega distance! so that u can attack as fast as he did trow a fireball also when i play with vega i never wacth my charachter i always look at the other player charachter! why coz i know where are my vega in the game so the small opening i saw he will surely it 2-3 hits combo!! and yes let say u sweep a guys then quickly go on the wall but go behind him then come(d,b) it will make a cross over so u can easely trow or just take out the claw!! that very hard to block !! even again good antiair player! like shoto. actually i try this on alpha3 and st adn yes it work!! Posted by vega-x on 04:19:2001 11:01 PM: chank: Yes, the flip is his best, but I'm usually playing offensive so I rarely have the charge. Good players won't jump at you if you've been charging, kind of like Guile's Razor Kick. A3 Vega? Yearrgh. He's a shell of what he used to be. He's not all that fast anymore, the wall dive doesn't work as well, and his supers all suck (not to mention his wall super activates when he's still on the #$%*@'ing wall!!). That alone is pretty bad, but Vega plays pretty simply, and from ST to A3, everybody has gotten extra moves, alpha counters, V-ISM's, etc. and he doesn't have the tools to beat all that. In A2 & 3, Rolento is my substitute, he's excellent when it comes to distance control. Posted by DavestA on 04:19:2001 11:33 PM: doesnt vega have an infinite v-ism in A3 i prolly but wrong i jw? Posted by evil_mastermao on 04:20:2001 12:01 AM: well im not sure about the infinite but someone tauld me you can crouch canceling short kick! yea and if you saw the way i play vega you wouldn't believe yourself how good he is. alpha3 i play v-vega and a-vega actually for the a-vega he super is good for antiair i mean the red impact the hold b,f,b,f punch level3 i use this when a player jump on me so i never waste my super!! and yes vega is fast in alpha3 and i think he is better then st!! coz alpha3 u have more variety og gameplay and counter move! also the v-ism mode for vega is the best for him!! and yes vega backflip is the srongest move he has! i can play v-vega like a trap!! yeppp a trap!!! how it work ??? u must see me play man im actually the best v-vega player in canada!!!( u guys are thinking about eddy lee right??) my vega gamestyle is very similar to him but,i got the trap and i got new strat then him!! and i play faster then him!! and i don't play run out of the time to win!!! but eddy lee is a very good player i know that!! i would like to play him at ecc6..i hope so!!! Posted by chankalok on 04:20:2001 02:10 AM: handsome fighter never lose battles. Posted by Gunter on 04:20:2001 02:26 AM: quote: Originally posted by Apoc Zangief? Low strong/st.Rh Apoc. Don't forget flying off the wall and hitting him with the tip of the claw on your wall dive. That was supposedly unstoppable, till Julien faced some Gief master here in Japan. :P Posted by vega-x on 04:20:2001 04:24 AM: quote: Originally posted by Gunter Don't forget flying off the wall and hitting him with the tip of the claw on your wall dive. That was supposedly unstoppable, till Julien faced some Gief master here in Japan. :P Why? What happened? Posted by chankalok on 04:20:2001 08:28 AM: i think st zangief hardest match is vega!!!! Posted by TRuNK$ on 04:20:2001 01:51 PM: Vega loses because he makes funny noises Posted by lftrpllr on 04:20:2001 05:22 PM: quote: Originally posted by vega-x Why? What happened? If I remeber correctly it was something to the effect of the Z player would take a small step forward and crouching fierce vega out of his wall dive (cleanly I think). Or even if its a trade I'm sure it's in Z's favor. The spacing and timing on that is pretty nutty, I've never seen anyone do it here in the states. Later- -wes All times are GMT. The time now is 12:08 AM. Show all 25 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.